Are you looking for a way to make good money on the side (or full-time)?
What if I told you that there is a method for tremendous earning potential
and only requires some street savvy and basic math skills?
Are you looking for a way to make good money on the side (or full-time)?
What if I told you that there is a method for tremendous earning potential and only requires some street savvy and basic math skills?
Many people will tell you that the real estate game is overloaded with complexities too difficult for laymans to understand and the field is saturated with too many people. However, many real estate experts concentrate their efforts in the residential side of real estate and do not consider the largely untapped potential of large-scale commercial properties.

The world of commercial real estate mortgage brokerage is not as complex as one might think, and only requires a few competencies to get started: basic math skills, some basic business sense, and the perseverance to build up your brokering reputation.
In the groundbreaking book If You Can Add, Subtract, Divide, and Multiply, You Too Can Broker Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Loans and Earn a Six-Figure Income, author, entrepreneur, and commercial real estate mortgage broker Carlos Peña details his proven method for significantly boosting your earning potential to six digits or more through brokering deals for commercial real estate properties. Carlos has multiple years under his belt in sales, investment banking, and building businesses from the ground up without any formal training other than his own ambition, capacity to learn new skills, and willingness to take calculated risks for large payoffs.
If You Can Add, Subtract, Divide, and Multiply, You Too Can Broker Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Loans and Earn a Six-Figure Income was created for the novice in mind and does not require some fancy degree from a university to implement commercial real estate mortgage brokering strategies.
The book is structured into three distinctive, easy-to-understand parts:
Part I: What You Need to Know About the Industry
The first 14 chapters of the book concentrate on the nuts and bolts of the commercial real estate mortgage brokerage industry.
The information you receive I these first chapters include:
What a commercial real estate mortgage broker does
Licensing information
Introduction to the commercial real estate mortgage industry
Commercial property types and classifications
Leasing information
Property environmental surveys
Commercial appraisal reports
Commercial lenders
Loan programs
Pre-payment penalties
Commercial real estate terms and formulas for success
Pre-qualifying properties
Getting paid (the fun part)
This part of the book deals with putting everything you learned in the first several chapters in practice. With will power, perseverance, and no shortage of “can-do” attitude, you can implement the major factors of succeeding in this business: marketing, strategy, and hustle.
You must learn to MARKET yourself correctly to get the attention you want, implement proven STRATEGY into your plans to make the best deals, and HUSTLE to make those deals to make the money you desire.
Part II: 3 Things You Need to Succeed
Part III: Becoming a Commercial Mortgage Broker
This final part of the book gets into the really fun stuff:
establishing yourself as a commercial mortgage broker in the larger commercial real estate industry.
These last chapters step-by-step guidance on what to do to build your personal brand as a commercial real estate mortgage broker. This process will take a lot of effort and no shortage of elbow grease, but putting in the time and effort will come back to you in spades and commercial real estate deals. Besides creating your presence in the industry, this section of the book also teaches you how to build up your lending network (banks, credit unions, government agencies, etc.) as well as your clientele network (the people PAYING you for your services).
As you read the book, you will find:
Easy-to-understand instructions, definitions, and concepts
No industry jargon—just straight talk
Helpful quizzes and practice scenarios to hone your skills
Realistic projections for the commercial real estate mortgage market in a good and bad economy
Solid resources to help you get started brokering commercial real estate mortgages
Looking for more direction in learning to become a successful commercial real estate mortgage broker?
Author, entrepreneur, and commercial real estate mortgage broker Carlos Peña offers online and in class workshops for a more intimate look into the brokering industry as well as an opportunity to learn from the author himself.
Take the information you learn in If You Can Add, Subtract, Divide, and Multiply, You Too Can Broker Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Loans and Earn a Six-Figure Income to the next level with real-world scenarios, explanations, exercises, and the opportunity to ask your real questions. Bring your calculator and sign up for the next online workshop to hone your skills as a commercial real estate mortgage broker!