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Are you looking for a way to make good money on the side (or full-time)?
What if I told you that there is a method for tremendous earning potential
and only requires some street savvy and basic math skills?
Looking for more direction in learning to become a successful commercial real estate mortgage loan broker?
Author, entrepreneur, and commercial real estate mortgage broker Carlos Peña offers workshops for a more intimate look into the brokering industry as well as an opportunity to learn from the author himself. Take the information you learn in If You Can Add, Subtract, Divide, and Multiply, You Too Can Broker Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Loans and Earn a Six-Figure Income to the next level with real-world scenarios, explanations, exercises, and the opportunity to ask your real questions. Bring your calculator and sign up for the next online workshop to hone your skills as a commercial real estate mortgage broker!

Thank you for taking interest on attending a workshop!
We will post new dates and times for our next workshops, which will be soon.
The workshop will cost $4,995 with your proof of purchase of the book.
The course will run approximately 5 hrs. This is an intensive crash course based on the book's content. It may run longer depending on questions from the audience. The concepts are not complicated. It's just a matter of how quickly one can digest the material.
You will be able to market yourself and begin to broker commercial real estate mortgage loans the next day.
If you're still interested in attending a workshop please fill out the form and we will keep you posted on future dates and times.

with valid purchase
of the book
Bring your calculator and sign up for the next workshop to hone your skills as a commercial real estate mortgage broker!
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